Raising your own chickens from eggs

#Own | Raising Backyard Chickens, Buff Orpington Chicken
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How To Keep Chickens Out Of The Garden
#Garden | How To Keep Chickens Out Of The Garden You love your chickens, and you love your garden. But unfortunately, your chickens love your garden too! A little too much...and now your grass is ripped up, your flowers trampled and your vegetables eaten. Chickens and gardens CAN live together, so long…
10 Things you should NOT feed your chicken
#Chicken | Want to know what you should NOT give to your chickens. Here are the top 10 things you should NOT feed your chicken.
The 9 worst mistakes a chicken keeper can make
#Chicken | Learning to care for chickens can be difficult and we often make mistakes. Unfortunately some of those mistakes can be deadly. Here are the 9 worst mistakes a chicken keeper can make.
DIY Chicken Coop
#ChickenCoop | First things first, How do chickens have sex? a rooster does not impregnate a hen. Hens lay eggs which can be fertile or not.
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