Letter recognition activities and alphabet intervention ideas

#Alphabet | Letter recognition activities and alphabet intervention ideas for kindergarten students. Ideas to help your students with letter naming. See how to teach letter sounds to struggling students.
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Digital Activities for Kindergarten amp First Grade
#Kindergarten | Digital activities that are printable, too! These monthly activities provide practice for K-1 math and ELA skills. Use them in your classroom or virtually for distance learning!

Boom Cards for Kindergarten
#Kindergarten | Boom Cards for Kindergarten are engaging and so much fun for students. Plus, these self- correcting activities are great for distance learning.

Top Websites Every Special Educator Should Know
#ShouldKnow | Special educators need a pretty large toolbox of strategies and resources to support our learners. So often, our students can have significantly diverse needs and levels. On any given day, special education teachers might need to take student reading data, modify a math assessment, teach science wit

Choosing the Right Data Collection Method
#Data | Data is a big part of what we do. We are bound to make data-driven decisions and update or revise programs based on what the data tell us. However, it is possible to be so consumed with data that it interferes with learning. How well can a person engage and think on their feet if Read more about Choosing the Right Data Collection Method[…]


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